Figure of a Woman with a Book

German Sculptor, Johann Göschel (cast maker)
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
  • Thumbnail image of the artwork
German Sculptor

Johann Göschel
(cast maker)
18th century (original), 1907 (cast)
plaster cast
120 × 49 × 32 cm
Sculptures - Plaster casts
Not on view

The sculpture represents a female figure with a book in her hand and a snake under her legs. The artwork is a copy of a sculpture decorating the staircase of a private house in Oberzell, near Würzburg. The cast formed part of the gift made in 1907 by Elsa Göschel from Nuremberg, who married the Hungarian Gábor Durkó and moved to Budapest. The cast was made by Elsa Göschel’s father, Johann, who was a stone carver and cast maker in Nuremberg. The plaster cast was transferred from the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest to the Kalocsa Community Centre in 1977 as a deposit and remained there until 2017. The copy now is preserved in the museum’s storage.