Saint George

Donatello, Giuseppe Lelli (cast maker)

No image available

Firenze 1386/1387 – 1466 Firenze

Giuseppe Lelli
(cast maker)
1416 (original), 1907 (cast)
plaster cast
225 cm
Sculptures - Plaster casts
Current Location of the Original Artwork
Italy, Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello

Donatello carved the Saint George statue commissioned by the Armourers' guild (Arte dei Corazzai) for Orsanmichele’s niche probably between 1415 and 1417. The marble statue is one of the well-known sculptures of Donatello and had a great influence even on the 19th-century artists. The original statue was removed from the niche of the Orsanmichele and transported to the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in 1892. The Museum of Fine Arts purchased in 1907 the Saint George statue and the niche as well, but the two pieces were inventoried on two separate inventory number. The niche and the statue were exhibited in 1908 in the Renaissance Hall near a pilaster close to the Michelangelo Room. After the World War II the plaster cast was dismounted and placed in the Romanesque Hall. In 1977 the relief representing the Saint George and the Dragon was transferred to the Kalocsa Community Centre. In the same year the Saint George statue was transported to the Sándor Petőfi Community Centre, Madaras (a village near Szekszárd, Hungary). In the mid80s the statue was probably completely damaged. Parts of the niche still exist.